Excursion – Lens Adapters

4 thoughts on “Excursion – Lens Adapters”

  1. Excellent and usefull article.
    I was thinking of getting an Rolleiflex with QBM mount for my 5D, and now it’s clear to me that the best way is to get a Conversion Kit instead of pretty expensive adapter ring.
    Thank you!


  2. Although this article is a couple of years old I do have to say that it is not complete. Canon FD lenses on a Cannon DSLR is possible without an adapter that has an optical element. Like the QBM mount there is a conversion kit available for converting FD lenses to native EF mount. Take a look at http://www.edmika.com


    1. Thanks, Mick

      I know about Edmika.. contacted him some years ago (several times, in fact) and never got an answer.
      From what I could gather online, only a few lenses (mostly telephotos) can be converted without sacrificing infinity focus, because they were manufactured to a greater tolerance (focus past infinity on FD bodies).

      If something has changed since, I’m glad for the Canon users of old.


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